The Royal Mint

Modernising communications and building an employee value proposition

The Royal Mint
  • The Royal Mint
  • Comms & Engagement

The Royal Mint recognised that it needed to modernise its communications activity to support both customers and employees on a change journey as it adapted its ways of working into innovative new markets. With a new Head of Internal Communications and Employee Engagement onboard to support developing the plans and strategies to improve, Perago were engaged to: 

  • Carry out an Internal Communications Capability Review 
  • Develop and design a digital solution to communicate their new Employee Value Proposition
  • Develop a recruitment brochure for a recruitment drive to recruit new talent into the organisation

Communications Review 

  • We supported with the recruitment of interview candidates from across the organisation to gather insight on internal communications in the organisation 
  • We carried out 12 interviews over 2 days ranging from corporate director level to back-office support areas, including those in industrial factory roles
  • We explored 3 key areas Strategy and Planning, Implementation and People and Resources
  • We delivered a report to the HR director team, alongside a formal written report that highlighted key areas of positive result, as well as opportunities to improve
  • We produced a ‘now, next, later’ plan with practical and actionable changes that could be made immediately, as well as recommendations that may involve more detailed discussions in the medium to longer term

Digital solution to communicate the new Employee Value Proposition

  • Provided expert graphic design capability to follow their internal brand style guide to develop a digital brochure that explained all the benefits you could expect as an employee of the Royal Mint
  • Sought an innovative solution to make the brochure interactive with animation style page turns that was platform agnostic and could be scaled over time without a monthly subscription fee to a third party 
  • Developed and configured its domain and URL, complete with WordPress backend
  • Included support and maintenance with options and roadmap for future expansion if required

Recruitment brochure  

  • Designed and supported on copy writing for recruitment brochure to fit a language and style guide
  • Provided graphic design resource to design the brochure
  • Mapped a solution to bridge the gap between what needed to be a printed sustainable brochure that linked with a digital portal at the earliest opportunity
  • Sourced and procured a sustainable local print supplier that used recycled paper and environmentally sustainable print methods to work with to minimise impact of printed literature in line with Royal Mint sustainability practices
  • The recommendations to improve internal communications in the Royal Mint were accepted by the Chief People Officer.
  • Commitment to progress with the recommendations in suggested order of priority. 
  • Brochures now used both as a recruitment tool to share with external prospective candidates as well as a reference point for existing or newly inducted employees.
  • The system requires no login or security credentials so is universally accessible through a wide range of applications. 

I highly recommend Perago. They conducted a deep dive into our internal communications, providing actionable improvement plans.  Perago’s holistic approach included copywriting, graphic design, and even a sustainable print solution. The results were clear: improved internal communications and a valuable tool for attracting new talent.

Caroline Rowlands 

Head of Internal Communications and Engagement 

Royal Mint 


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