Supporting health and care services to deliver better experiences for their users
Our approach
We recognise the challenges in the health and care sector, including increased demand, outdated technologies, and the need to improve data sharing and patient experiences.Our team has collaborated with numerous health boards and organisations, offering strategic advice and delivery, facilitating engagement between software vendors and health boards, and assisting teams in implementing agile working practices and user-centred design principles to improve patient services.
With our extensive experience, we can help you achieve meaningful and impactful change that benefits service users across the health and care sector.

Our team can support through:
Landscape reviews
A high-level exploration of an organisation's processes, capabilities, technology, and structure in line with their needs and strategic priorities and a focus on end users. A landscape review will give your organisation a clear overview of its systems, processes, integration and prioritised improvement opportunities.
User Centred service design
We offer an end-to-end approach to designing services that align with your organisational goals and deliver user value. By working closely together and adopting a user-centred approach, we help you understand current service delivery and identify areas for improvement before creating a new service blueprint. This includes mapping interactions and processes to meet user needs within your operational and technical constraints.
Collaborative partnerships
We work with established teams by aligning our team of experienced change and transformation experts to your goals and deliver collaborative change.
Client-side support
To effectively leverage the market, use off-the-shelf solutions to their full potential, and benefit from economies of scale, it’s crucial to comprehend the data you possess and its intended use. Our delivery approach assists you in gaining deeper insights into your data, systems, and processes prior to engaging with the market and onboarding suppliers, enabling you to leverage market opportunities fully.
Successful transformation is visible from its outcomes and learnings, which is
why we provide:
Measurable improvements
We track transformation changes, providing analysis of progress toward the strategic objective to business leaders and project sponsors.
Strategic collaboration
We know how collaboration across organisations can benefit end users. By understanding the user journey, we can help to improve end-user interactions across the sector.
Data-informed decision making
As the volume of data we share and collect in our daily lives increases exponentially, it’s important to understand what we need to collect and how we maximise its use to inform decision-making. This is true not just in how clinicians and healthcare professionals access patient details but also in the systems we have in place to support improved patient care.

Featured case study
Enhancing Social Care Collaboration in WalesThe Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) wanted to understand better how digital solutions could support the health and social care landscape across Wales, improving collaboration and efficiency across sectors while delivering ambitious digital transformation.
View Case Study